As the weeks and months go by, you can find our most current info here. Each update has a photo thumbnail (small picture links), tags (tiny round article category images), and text with links. The thumbnails expand either to a full size photo or to another page on the topic. The round tags help you quickly identify the scope of the article, so you can focus on the topic of most interest to you. The links in each entry allow you to dive deeper if you want or just ignore them for a quick skim.
29Dec'20 |
29Dec'20 |
I came across a computer programming coding problem website, Kattis. They have little samples to code. You pick the programming language you want to write your solution in. I am focusing on C++ & Kotlin these days. They start off really simply and progress in complexity. I have decided to do one each day to keep in practice and to pick up new skills. Specifically, I am going to code using C++20. Additionally, I will be adding a requirement for myself to use functional programming methods rather than imperative. |
28Dec'20 |
Our primary rationale for wanting to join Interlink Ministries was to make it easier for other ministries who do not know us to perceive us as legit. We have been accepted by Interlink Ministries. As we are taking the first steps to go public with this, we ask for the doors to clearly open -- or shut just as clearly. |
28Dec'20 |
I am researching to find a project/task management tool to use for keeping track of tasks whether they be technical programming issues or just things to do, such as publishing the week's newsletter. I would like it to easily support the Scrum software development methodology. |
28Dec'20 |
A batch of lightly buttered Naan was made, packaged and delivered for the final Sunday morning meeting of 2020. We "attend" via Facebook video. Marilyn requested that they not terminate the feed at the instant the service is over but rather leave the camera on to allow the people who are present to be seen. So, not only the pastor and worship team were visible but many of the people. |
27Dec'20 |
Tim Young is a missionary on the website. He started LightSys, which provides IT consulting, training, software development, and missions mobilization, to equip missions and missionaries. One of their projects was to have student interns develop apps for mission organizations. It is an Android app requested by Siberian missionaries working with the Evenki people in Russia. The Evenki language is quickly dying. The app promotes language learning for children whose heart language is Evenki. Presenting the gospel in their heart language is the next step. . |
26Dec'20 |
I was contacted by one of our Advisory Team Kevin Horan.
He is developing a website, for connecting the Church with missionaries.
He asked me to do testing on the beta version.
I was able to give him a number of editoral comments.
Kevin is one of the few people who can handle a heavy dose of my technical opinions in a rather positive manner.